Podcast April 2020 – Folge 15

Unser neuer Podcast ist da, Journal Club, Rauchgasinhalation, Extubation bei CoVid, Basics Beatmung, von Willebrand-Syndrom und noch viel mehr! Hört rein 🙂




Journal Club

Barrot, Loic, et al. „Liberal or conservative oxygen therapy for acute respiratory distress syndrome.“ New England Journal of Medicine 382.11 (2020): 999-1008.

Holmberg, Mathias J., et al. „Lidocaine versus Amiodarone for Pediatric In-Hospital Cardiac Arrest: An Observational Study.“ Resuscitation (2020).

Weiss, Scott L., et al. „Surviving sepsis campaign international guidelines for the management of septic shock and sepsis-associated organ dysfunction in children.“ Intensive Care Medicine 46.1 (2020): 10-67.

Eroğlu, Aşkın, Bahattin Tuncalı, and Rahmi Gökhan Ekin. „The utility of intravenous ketamine for the management of intraoperative penile erection: a retrospective single-center analysis of endourological surgeries over a 4-year.“ BMC urology20.1 (2020): 4.

Baimas-George, Maria, et al. „The sorting hat of medicine: Why Hufflepuffs wear Stethoscopes and Slytherins carry Scalpels“ Journal of surgical education 02/2020

Luckscheiter, A. et al. „Notärztliches Atemwegsmanagement in Abhängigkeit von Fachrichtung und Weiterbildung“ Der Anästhesist 69, 170-182 (2020)

Probst M, et al. „Prevalence of Intracranial Injury in Adult Patients With Blunt Head Trauma With and Without Anticoagulant or Antiplatelet Use“ Annals of Emergency Medicine, 03/2020

Akutmanagement Rauchgas – Inhalation

von Willebrand-Syndrom


Antihypotensiva bei Kaiserschnittentbindungen – Der Anästhesist

Tubog TD, Kane TD, Pugh MA. Effects of Ondansetron on Attenuating Spinal Anesthesia–Induced Hypotension and Bradycardia in Obstetric and Nonobstetric Subjects: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. AANA J. 2017;85(2):113–122.

Ou CH, Tsou MY, Ting CK, Chiou CS, Chan KH, Tsai SK. Occurrence of the Bezold-Jarisch reflex during Cesarean section under spinal anesthesia–a case reportActa Anaesthesiol Taiwan. 2004;42(3):175–178.


Basics – Beatmung

coming soon…

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